Winning Battles for Vetpreneurs – Page 6 – Black Enterprise

Winning Battles for Vetpreneurs

To promote her line, Baldwin has enlisted 35 women to test the products in exchange for feedback and reviews. She also e-mails beauty bloggers daily and asks them to test her products. BIAO Skincare is sold online (, but Baldwin is currently negotiating deals with boutique-style retail outlets and one international online retail chain. Six weeks after its product launch, revenues reached $10,000 via word-of-mouth. “Because of my belief in BIAO Skincare,” says Baldwin, “and by being persistent and determined, I’ve found the right doors to knock on for support.”

Taking Control
Marylyn Harris, vice chairman of the Advisory Committee on Veterans Business Affairs, believes that entrepreneurship is a viable career alternative for veterans, especially those who have post-traumatic stress disorder. “It’s more in line with who you are, you have more autonomy,” says Harris, who also owns Harrland Healthcare Consulting L.L.C., a Houston-based certified service-disabled veteran-owned business. “Business ownership is more attractive and symptom-mitigating to veterans because you have a level of control that you don’t always have as an employee.”

Harris is upbeat about business opportunities opening up for veterans. “Vets hire other vets. They are going to create jobs, create wealth, and create well-being for their families. I’ve been talking to everybody from large nonprofits to major corporations about this. We need to think in terms of incorporating veterans in the supply chain, in supplier diversity initiatives, and we’re going to do it quickly.”
