What to Count on in a World of Change

As we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, none of us knows what 2011 will bring. However, we can all be sure of one thing: increasingly rapid change will continue to reshape the way we live. I passionately believe, though,  that there are certain things you must not allow to change in your life, even as you must be willing to adapt to all that is going on around us.

Faith. I’m not here to tell you what to believe in but I strongly suggest you choose something in which to believe. When everything seems transient, building your life on a foundation of the immutable and universal is critical to keeping your bearings. What is the rock upon which you’ll stand when the sands of change are shifting? Trust me, you won’t find what you need by relying on things and people. As you begin this new year, if you haven’t found it already, take some time to think, pray, or meditate on what has been constant, uplifting, and reassuring in your life. Discover for yourself what’s proven worthy of believing in.

Integrity. If faith is about where you stand, integrity is about what you stand for. What are your values? What is the code by which you conduct business, manage personal relationships, and interact with the world? Is your word worth anything? Do your actions meet up with your expressed intent? Resolve to be a person of the highest integrity in 2011. Few things are more valued in business than reliable people of consistently high integrity. This is even more true today, as rapid change greatly erodes our ability to count on the people around us.

Optimism. No matter

what change brings in 2011, hold on to the belief that things can always get better. So much of what we experience is a matter of perspective, and so much of what we fear never comes to pass. If we’re honest with ourselves,

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particularly as African Americans, all we have to do is look behind us to see that we have plenty of reason to expect the positive consequences of change to outweigh the negative. After 75 years of living, I can say that though there are things I m

iss about the past, I’m not interested in going back. Jim Crow? Separate but equal? No thanks. Despite the tough times we continue to face, my glass is always either half full or waiting for a refill.

Goals. Falling short of your goals is disappointing, but having no goals is a disaster. When you’re trying to just make the mortgage, keep food on the table, and find a job, it can be easy to lose sight of your dreams. As you begin 2011, refuse to allow that to happen. Whether it’s completing your degree, getting free of debt, losing weight, or launching a business, keep your goals front of you at all times. Resolve to take at least one concrete step toward at least one of your goals each day. And use change to help you to discover new ways–for example, taking classes online–to achieve them.

Gratitude. No matter how disruptive change can be, never surrender your attitude of gratitude. Being grateful helps you accept the loss that change often necessitates, while keeping you in hopeful expectation of the new things, people, and opportunities that always emerge as replacements. In my

case, the painful business difficulties we experienced during the Great Recession has only made me more grateful for my health, my wonderful wife of 50 years, our three sons and our amazing grandchildren, the great friendships I’ve been privileged to have, and all that I’ve experienced in life. Also, the challenges faced by our print business have helped us put greater value on our website, television, event, and digital platforms, creating a stronger Black Enterprise.

Is everything perfect in life? No. But those of us who hold on to our faith, integrity, optimism, goals, and gratitude tend to make the most of what life has to offer. When everything is changing around you, be willing to embrace the new. But by never letting go of the things that truly matter, you will be well on your way to building Wealth for Life.

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