Great Timing For The Next Frontier: The Wearable Tech Wars Begin – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Great Timing For The Next Frontier: The Wearable Tech Wars Begin

(Image: Samsung)

The Gear S has 3G, Wi-fi and Bluetooth capabilities and is able to make and receive phone calls and send messages. It runs on Samsung’s operating system. According to Tech Times, “Microsoft announced it is developing its own smartwatch. The new watch is expected to function on all the big operating systems and should be a continued boost into the smartwatch realm.”

Wearable tech is about to change the way we communicate and work out. Google Glass was just the tip of the iceberg. Look out for Smartwatches, health monitors, pedometers and activity trackers to be a big part of the emerging landscape in a new form of technology that most analysts believe is the new frontier.

But is the hype years ahead of the emerging market? One analyst tells Forbes, “Many of these devices are going to be like New Year’s resolutions – they’ll get a lot of attention and joy for the first few weeks before ending up in a drawer.”

Others believe the time for hype has sailed and wearable tech is here to stay. One analyst explains why to CNBC saying, “There are 2 veins of smartwatches — one which is pure vanity and one that is practical. Samsung is trying to hit across both of those.”

ZD Net had a rundown on some of the wearable technology that could be available as early as next year.

  • A skin patch that does hypodermic injections throughout the day
  • Smart nail polish that defends against date rape
  • A smart sock that helps keep track of Alzheimer’s patients
  • Bands that can see through your skin and look at the blood as it passes through
  • Self-powered technology that harvests energy to power wearable devices
  • Helmets that track forces that impact NFL players, RFID trackers on every player individually on the field.

If even half the possibilities on this list arrive in time for the holiday season next year, wearable technology will be poised to go way beyond the smartphone and into a new frontier where tech has never been before.

The race is on.
