Video Shows White Students From Two Philadelphia Schools Using Racial Slurs and Blackface


White students from two Philadelphia schools face backlash across social media for viral videos that reveal disturbing racist actions.

On Tuesday, a video surfaced online showing a group of white teenagers spray-painting one girl’s face black while making racist comments and laughing.

“You’re a Black girl. Know your roots. It’s February,” one white teen says while spraying another girl’s face.

“You’re nothing but a slave,” the teen continues while spraying the girl’s face. “Right after this you’re doing my laundry.”

The girl with the spray-painted blackface then looks at the cameras and shouts, “I’m Black and I’m proud!

A Twitter user posted the disturbing video online and confirmed the two local high schools the white Philadelphia students attended.

“Let’s talk about the WHITE GIRLS @ St Hubert’s & Franklin Towne in Northeast Philly who want to send racist snapchats to my godsister and the other young black girls at the school!” they wrote.

“Since the school doesn’t want to do anything I decided to blast their faces!”

Another video showed one white girl wearing a du-rag and claiming it gave her the right to use the N-word.

By Wednesday, Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls confirmed three of the teens in the video were students at its school, Fox 29 reports. They released a statement and said the issue is being investigated, and the students involved would be disciplined in accordance with the school handbook.

“Earlier today, it came to our attention that a handful of our students posted images and videos on a social media platform of a racially charged nature,” the school wrote in a statement.

“As a Catholic educational institution that seeks to form Women of Faith and Integrity, we view racism as a mortal sin.”

“There is no place for it in our hearts and minds there is no tolerance for such behavior at Saint Hubert’s,” the statement continued. “We are extremely disappointed to learn that anyone associated with Saint Hubert’s would act in such a manner, which is entirely inconsistent with our values.”

Franklin Towne Charter High School also released a statement in response to their students involved in the racist

video. The apology statements came after a group of anti-racism protestors showed up outside both of the schools on Wednesday morning.

“The Franklin Towne Community is both saddened and appalled by the events surrounding the racist video that has been seen on social media,” the statement said. “We want to again take this opportunity to condemn this type of hateful behavior and condemn anyone involved in it.”

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