UrbanGeekz Puts Black Issues Front and Center – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

UrbanGeekz Puts Black Issues Front and Center

Why is UrbanGeekz important; not just for blacks but for the general public?

This isn’t simply a race or gender issue. America is facing a shortage of workers in STEM fields. Even today some industries struggle with the supply and availability of high-quality STEM workers. If the U.S. is to remain internationally competitive it must produce a skilled workforce with significant abilities in STEM and technology. The United States needs a technologically savvy workforce for innovation, economic growth and global competitiveness. By 2050 minorities will be the majority in America, according to predictions released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

What was the most challenging part about moving forward with this project?

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint-hearted. You need a huge amount of faith, self-belief and dogged determination. My biggest challenges have been resources and finances, but that only pushed me to be more creative. I have had a lot of success building my team and forming strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships. I’m a firm-believer in collaboration and working on collective strengths.

What can we expect to see from UrbanGeekz in the future?

We will continue to build a loyal audience, and we also hope to secure interviews with some of the big players in Silicon Valley. Further down the line, the team will announce details of The UrbanGeekz 100, an annual list of emerging and established multicultural leaders who have demonstrated power and influence in technology, science and business. The handpicked list will culminate with an on-site exclusive awards gala honoring these dynamic leaders and influencers of color who have achieved success in their prospective industries.
