Return on Investment: How to Get the Most from Your Unpaid Internship

(Image: Thinkstock)

There’s been a lot in recent news about unpaid internships, from lawsuits to laments. Some would argue that they are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for young professionals and students, at no expense to companies, while others might say it’s unfair, free labor at the expense of impressionable minds desperate for a foot in the door.


But in many cases, an unpaid internship can provide invaluable experience that can trump a stipend or paycheck and can boost the chances for advancement.

Nevertheless, whether paid or unpaid, you want to get the most out of your experience. Brazen Careerist

offers a checklist to ensure you do just that. Don’t leave the internship without getting the following return on your time investment:

  • A reference letter
  • A summary of your accomplishments
  • A network of contacts
  • An overall evaluation
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