Turn Off The Lights! – Black Enterprise

Turn Off The Lights!

A typical household in the U.S. spends approximately $1,400 each year on energy bills. If you’re looking to get out of this statistic, you can adopt some very basic energy conservation measures to save 30%, or more than $400 each year.

So what’s the “bright” idea? The Energy Star program, a government initiative to help households and businesses identify energy-efficient products. Using Energy Star labeled appliances, lighting, electronics, office equipment, and heating and cooling products is the first step to reducing energy costs. Energy Star products also help to protect the environment by using less energy than conventional products. To decrease your energy consumption and increase savings, consider these tips:

  • Flip the switch. Turn off everything that you are not using: lights, TVs, computers, etc.
  • Change light bulbs. Compact fluorescent bulbs are four times more efficient than incandescent bulbs and provide the same light.
  • Use fans. Kitchen, bath, and ceiling ventilation fans are more efficient than other electrical heating and cooling devices.
  • Consider programmable or automatic devices. Use dimmers, timers, and motion detectors on indoor and outdoor lighting.
  • Join an energy program. Utility companies often provide various incentive programs for conservation-conscious customers. For additional information, visit www.energystar.gov.
