Black in America – Black Enterprise

Black in America


Entrepreneurs Conference: 5 Keys To Sourcing Capital for Your Tech Company

Carolyn M. Brown
NewMe co-founder Angela Benton, CEO of Black Media Web, L.L.C., along with NewMe participants Hank Williams and Anthony Frasier will head up the session,“Sourcing Capital...

5-Point Recap of CNN’s Black In America 4

Hajj Flemings
Following the premier of CNN's Black in America 4: The New Promised Land: Silicon Valley, Hajj Flemings shares his thoughts on the groundbreaking documentary and...
Money News

Watch: CNN Tackles Almighty Debt on ‘Black in America’

Black Enterprise
Soledad O'Brien takes a look at "almighty debt," its effect on the Black community and the role of the Black church in helping folks live...