Student, Recent Grad, Young Professional: Get in Gear For Your Next Career Move – Black Enterprise

Student, Recent Grad, Young Professional: Get in Gear For Your Next Career Move

(Image: Thinkstock)

If you’ve recently crossed the stage, have another semester left or having already hit the real world, adjusting to post-grad life can be quite the transition. Though the holidays are over, it’s still prime time to renew your strategy to become a better you in 2013. Here’s how:

For the college senior…

If you’re still in college, take advantage of your campus resources. College career centers can provide a variety of services such as career fairs, workshops and mock interviews that are usually overlooked. For college grads seeking careers, mock interviews and resume critiques are a must. Mock interviews are one sure way to get practice and feedback from professionals, and having a well-written, precise resume will put you on top of your game when it comes to for the job hunt.

For the recent grad…

In these economic times, it may be difficult to land a full-time gig. If you find yourself in this situation, there’s still time for you to think about doing an internship to get real work experience, even if you have to take a temp job to pay bills. Interning is a great way to make the transition into a successful career and many companies hire interns. If you’re still not sure what you want to do post-grad, you have time to explore the options of continuing to graduate school or taking a gap year abroad. Try personal exploration through travel and volunteer work which can help you focus on the next steps.

For the young professional…

Use this holiday time to network. Seize the opportunity to introduce yourself and engage others by asking about their careers. Share a little about your own career goals and watch your network multiply before your eyes. Being an office baby can be a challenge, but show your boss initiative by being a team player and not being afraid to do the dirty work.

What’s your plan for top-of-the-year boss moves post graduation? #SoundOff and follow Jamie on Twitter @JayNHarrison.
