Since You Asked: Jobs Don’t Match Qualifications

I’m a 27-year-old graduate with a M.B.A. who lives in a small town in the deep South. I only make $9 per hour on my job as a warehouse worker, which may end soon. I’m having the hardest time finding a decent job on an M.B.A. pay scale. Any recommendations?

–J. Johnson

Although the job market is dismal, and only projected to get worse in 2009, don’t lose hope. It’s critical for you to be motivated and flexible in your job search. In other words, you’ll find work if you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone, area of expertise, or geographical location. Statistics show jobs are increasing in the education and healthcare industries. Look for business opportunities in these areas to put your M.B.A. to good use either in your hometown or elsewhere.

You might also consider becoming a professional freelancer to pay the bills. Post a free profile on Websites such as O Desk or Elance so companies can hire you for project-based and hourly work.

Make sure to join the National Black MBA Association and take advantage of its Conference Job Match program. CJM provides job matching between members and the more than 350-plus corporations and government departments at the NBMBAA’s Annual Conference and Exposition. The membership fee of $125 per year is well worth it for the investment and networking possibilities!

Annya Lott is the Careers editor at Black Enterprise.

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