Sarah Palin: ‘I Would Not Have Prostituted Myself’ to Get the Kind of Coverage Kamala Harris Is Getting

(Image: Twitter)

Ever since Sen. Kamala Harris was selected as former Vice President Joe Biden‘s running mate on the Democratic ticket for the presidency of the United States, former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has used Harris’s selection to keep herself in the news.

Earlier this week, while making an appearance on Fox News with Tucker Carlson, Palin stated that she “would not have prostituted myself in terms of changing any of my positions in order to garner better press,” according to The Daily Beast.

That statement has led to some publications making it seem like she was disrespecting Harris. But Palin actually congratulated Harris last week and even gave her some advice after the news was revealed. Right after Biden’s announcement, Palin took to her Instagram account and said, “Congrats to the democrat VP pick. Climb upon Geraldine Ferraro’s and my shoulders, and from the most amazing view in your life consider lessons we learned.”

The 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate appeared with Carlson on his Fox News program as she stated that she feels the media showcases the Democratic Party in a better light than the Republican Party.

Carlson posed this question to Palin, “Looking back, is there anything you could have done to get the kind of coverage that Kamala Harris is getting now? Like you care about equality deep within your soul, that you’re a rockstar, a celebrity, you’re the Dalai Lama reincarnated. Could you have done anything to get that kind of coverage?”

“I would not have prostituted myself in terms of changing any of my positions in order to garner better press,” Palin replied. “I would’ve gotten a lot better coverage had I compromised my convictions—had I decided that I was going to go with the flow in order to get that … liberal coverage that would have been so much better.”

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