State of the Union Address: White House Gains Key Insights from Everyday Citizens Via Platform

(Image: File)

Tonight at 9 p.m EST, President Barack Obama will deliver his State of the Union address. In prep for the address, the White House created a platform where more than 20,000 people could draft their own personal memo to the President.  While the policy experts at the White House have their plan ready, 23,928 individuals wrote in and listed what is important to them. The infographic included all 50 states.


The No. 1 issue broached with those related to the economy, with 1/3 (37%) people  listing it as their top priority. Twenty-two percent highlighted renewable energy and climate issues, and more than 16% focused the importance on education issues. Ten percent of people stated healthcare as their priority, and 15% listed “Other.”

Many of the individuals voiced personal opinions on issues that affect their lives. Frank from Fort Mill, South Carolina said, “Anyone who works for a living should not be forced into poverty.” Ted from Washburn, WI, also weighed in on his choice stating, “The more renewable energy we

produce, the more money stays in our country/ region. This is helpful for our regional economies, as we often can produce local energy and create local jobs and reduce the transportation needs for distributing energy.”

The survey also asked how they would take action and play a role in resolving given issues. 35% would take action by telling a friend, 25% would share their story, 24% would do volunteer activities, and 16% would write a letter.

What would you list as your top priority? Share your comments with us below or #Soundoff and follow Black Enterprise on Twitter @BlackEnterprise.

Be sure to tune in and watch live tonight, and check out more State of the Union insights here.

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