Chief HR Officer Kerry Chandler Now Knows That Nagging Inner Voice Is Really Her Higher Power

Portraits of Power Kerry Chandler

Featuring a broad cross-section of women who have distinguished themselves across a rich variety of careers, our Portraits of Power series is a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Black Enterprise, and of black women. It’s a place for today’s businesswomen to share their own favorite images and their own stories, in their own words. Today’s portrait is Kerry Chandler, who led HR roles for companies such as Christie’s and Under Armour before her current role with entertainment, sports, and content agency Endeavor.

Kerry D. Chandler

Chief Human Resources Officer, Endeavor

My first job was working in my dad’s office in San Diego, filing patient records and making runs to the taco shop for his staff.

My big break came when I met the late, great NBA Commissioner David Stern. I was interviewing to be an HR Director at the NBA and turned down the offer; 11 years later, David contacted me again and I ended up working at the NBA directly for him.

I’ve had to work hardest at honoring the inner voice inside of me. I’ve learned over time that my gut is almost always right.

I never imagined I would work for some of the most iconic brands and CEOs in the world … #grateful.

I wish I’d learned sooner that the nagging voice inside of me is always my higher power speaking to me and guiding me.

The risk I regret not taking is non-applicable; I am a risk taker, sometimes to a fault.

If I could design my fantasy self-care day, it would be spent on a beach, listening to waves crash, sipping cocktails, and chatting it up with someone I adore.

Sadly, almost everything keeps me up at night. I have a very active mind. I’m working on calming it down


When I’m struggling, I say to myself, “Let’s it play out.”

I am unapologetically me.

Portraits of Power is a yearlong series of candid insights from exceptional women leaders. It is brought to you by ADP.

Kerry Chandler will be a speaker at the 2020 Women of Power Summit, March 5-8 at The Mirage in Las Vegas. Register here to join us!

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