Offensive And Defensive Stock Picking – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Offensive And Defensive Stock Picking

the company “Baby GE” because, like the corporate giant, Tyco is building itself up through acquisitions. Tyco’s new management team is refocusing the company on its core business. Clark says, “They have introduced a new round of cost-cutting measures and, despite the recent scandals, the company is currently being run exceptionally well.”

Walt L. Clark’s Private Screening Picks

Exchange: Symbol

Price *

Price Target

P/E on Projected
2004 Earnings

Est. 5-Yr.
Annual EPS
Growth Rate

Why Stock Will Outperform

Amgen Inc.
Nasdaq: AMGN
$58.30 $ 75.00 20.6 21.0% Amgen is a world leader in drug development and has plans to expand its R&D division. The company also has excellent market share.
JPMorgan Chase
41.15 55.00 11.5 11.0 JPMorgan Chase continues to increase market share by acquiring large shares of the retail banking market.
Nasdaq: SINA
41.19 60.00 23.8 40.0 SINA should continue to increase its customer base as it taps into China’s population of more than 1 billion.
eBay Inc.
Nasdaq: eBay
75.94 100.00 50.9 38.0 eBay has few overhead costs and its service is growing in Europe and Asia.
Tyco Int’l. Ltd.
28.69 40.00 15.8 16.0 Tyco’s new management team is implementing cost-cutting measures and refocusing on its core business.
Source: Clark Capital Financial L.L.C.; Yahoo! Finance;
