Networking 1.0 Tools for the Solopreneur – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Networking 1.0 Tools for the Solopreneur

then could post to blogs or other Websites to show people what was going on. I also could slap a small microphone onto the iPhone and do on-the-spot interviews with industry leaders. So by having this kind of device handy you can create content that shows you “hanging” with industry experts, and discussing important topics with gurus you’d like to be associated with.

So make sure you maximize your Networking 1.0 efforts with these tools. And put this great, easy to create content to work on your blog, Website, Facebook profile, and any other place that will also boost your Networking 2.0 endeavors.

Brent Leary is Co-founder and Partner of CRM Essentials, an Atlanta based consulting/advisory firm. His blog can be found at
