Morehouse Honors Not 1 But 3 Valedictorians Among Graduating Class of 2023

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These young men were highly successful throughout their undergraduate studies, resulting in a three-way tie as the highest academic achievers in their class.

On May 21, Morehouse College held its commencement ceremony for the graduating class of 2023. It proudly honored three valedictorians, Alan Cowan, George Pratt, and Darryl Sams, top scholars spanning three academic divisions.

A finance major, Cowan is passionate about creating opportunities for underrepresented business owners through venture capital. “This institution has fueled my drive to support business owners in my community, and I look forward to making a meaningful impact in supporting their growth and development.”

The Brooklyn native holds titles as a Martin Luther King Jr. scholar, Black Venture Capital Consortium member, and Beta Gamma Sigma International Business Honor Society member. According to LEX 18, Cowan has also spent his time bridging the gap between chess and the Black community by creating a movement called “The Black Odyssey.”

Pratt graduated as a double major in history and religion. The scholar, from Jacksonville, Florida, is pursuing cultural theory and Black studies. The International Chapel Assistants Program was a significant part of his studies at Morehouse. “Working under the tutelage of Dean Lawrence Carter has proven to be a transformational experience that has enriched my learning environment far beyond the classroom,” Pratt said.

From St. Louis, Missouri, Sams traveled to Morehouse and pursued his studies in Biology. The

Phi Beta Kappa Society member and president of the Health Careers Society, seeks to provide healthcare resources to underserved populations. “The most transformative and fulfilling part of my Morehouse experience has been the constant reminder of my worth, importance, and necessity as a Black man in society,” Sams said.

Morehouse also acknowledged top scholar William Whitfield as its 2023 salutatorian. Whitfield, from Texas, is passionate about “filling the deficit of Black male physicians.” It is important that he is a role model for Black men who aspire to work in the medical field. “I can educate my community on the heart, how to keep it healthy, and provide exceptional care to those with cardiovascular diseases,” said Whitfield, who was honored with the Atlanta Advancing Research Careers in Science Award for his research.

The future is looking bright for all four of the Morehouse scholars.

Cowan will move to San Francisco to work in late-stage investing at Mastry Capital. Pratt plans to obtain a master’s and doctorate of philosophy in theology at the University of Oxford. Sams will pursue a medical doctorate at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Whitfield is headed to Baylor College of Medicine’s post-baccalaureate Research Education Program to pursue a medical scientist training program.

Congratulations to these young men!

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