How To Live the Good Life: Watch 5 Inspirational TED Talks by Women – Black Enterprise
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How To Live the Good Life: Watch 5 Inspirational TED Talks by Women

(Image: Thinkstock)

Ask any one person, “What is the good life?” And you’ll get a thousand different responses about finances, career, relationships, and the ultimate lives that people would like to live. But here’s the reality, there’s an element to living the good life that can’t be taught. There’s no road map or magic pill for happiness, nor one person, other than yourself, who can make you happy. At its simplest form, the good life is a series of personal experiences that move you into doing the thing you were created to do.

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TED talks started in 1984 as a powerful and inspiration platform dedicated to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” Watch a few awe-inspiring women share their journeys towards the “good life.”

Defy Impossible with Kimberly Bryant, Founder of Black Girls Code
With only 3% of black women working in the computing industry, Kimberly Bryant started a movement to get girls to code. The talk begins with Bryant’s childhood journey through the civil rights movement, which later served as a foundation for her revolutionary approach to creating Black Girls Code.
