How to Create A Fortune From Scratch – Page 5 – Black Enterprise

How to Create A Fortune From Scratch

when you can get in for the least.

3. Being lucky means being ready. Opportunities come to everyone, but the winner is the one prepared to take advantage of them when they arrive.

4. If the key doesn’t work, change the lock. If you have failed with one approach in a deal, look at the elements and be flexible enough to change.

5. Be a bulldog on details. Never underestimate the importance of dealing with key details yourself, especially final details. Personally attend to key people whose support is essential.

6. Listen to your first instinct. If your gut tells you a deal is too risky, or that your partner seems untrustworthy, pay attention.

7. Respond quickly to attacks. If someone is attacking you, take them on immediately, even if the fight is costly. That will save you all kinds of trouble later on.

8. Get inside the other head. Understand what the other parties want takes creative thinking, but ultimately it’s your key to successful negotiations.

9. Be the last man standing. Don’t fall victim to deal fatigue.

10. Turn vinegar into wine. Don’t despair when problems arise: they frequently create opportunities.

11. Use the power of good partnerships. Good partners can profoundly amplify your power.

12. Seeing value is everything. The entrepreneur sees value that others miss.
