Financial Wake-Up Call – Page 5 – Black Enterprise

Financial Wake-Up Call

On top of the financial burden, there’s the fear and loneliness while she waits for Kevin’s return. But even though they are thousands of miles apart, they keep in contact through the Internet.

Clearly, these are difficult economic times and the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be getting farther and farther away. But the BE economists don’t recommend slowing down. In fact, they suggest keeping a steady pace that will allow workers and investors an opportunity to position themselves for improvement, both economically and politically. Of course, this may require going a step further than just casting a vote. A letter to your congressman or state legislator, or even a visit to their offices, may be in order.

Looking ahead to 2004, the BE economists say that presidential candidates should be required to reveal their plans to revitalize the economy and create jobs. They should also be asked what financial policies they plan to pursue to build wealth in African American communities, and how they intend to reduce racial inequality at all levels.
