Fight Hep C Fatigue With This

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The research isn’t clear about whether the hepatitis C virus causes fatigue. But if you have cirrhosis, you’re more likely to get tired. And interferon, a common part of some therapy, can sap your energy, too.

The good news: This is temporary. Once you’ve completed treatment and are cured, your fatigue will end. Meanwhile, if you’re having trouble functioning because you’re too tired, talk to your doctor about other treatment options. Some newer medications have shorter treatment periods, so you don’t have to deal with side effects for so long.

Note, too, that you could be suffering from depression, like anyone with a long-term illness. You may be anxious

or sad about the changes you’ve had to make or the way your medications make you feel. Talk to your doctor about how you’re feeling. He may prescribe an antidepressant or help you find a therapist or support group.

Give these six fatigue-stoppers a try:


When you’re already tired, a workout may sound like the last thing you want to do, but physical activity can actually give you energy. Get your doctor’s approval first, and then start with a 10-minute walk. Build up to 30 minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week.

Don’t overdo it.

You will have good days–when you feel fine–and bad days when you’re too tired to continue your normal activities. Pay attention to your body and rest when you need it.

Don’t drink.

Alcohol is bad for your liver, and it also makes you tired.

Manage stress.

Try meditation, yoga, massage or other relaxation techniques regularly.

Read more at www.blackhealthmatters.com…

Black Health Matters (BHM) is the leading patient and consumer-focused health information website for African Americans. BHM connects health information seekers to the highest quality health content on the web, shared via social media and disseminated at BHM community-based health events. Committed to making African American families healthier, BHM imparts expert advice on disease management while promoting healthier lifestyles. The result is a compelling health content experience that resonates within the cultural context of the user’s life.

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