EPA’s Jackson Urges Blacks Not to Miss the Green Boat – Page 3 – Black Enterprise
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EPA’s Jackson Urges Blacks Not to Miss the Green Boat

More on Earth Day
On April 22, 1970, an estimated 20 million Americans gathered together to participate the environmental demonstration known as “Earth Day.” There were rallies, teach-ins, speeches, and publicity ploys all designed to raise awareness of the environmental problems facing the U.S. In the more than 30 years since that first celebration, times have certainly changed. Earth Day is now celebrated by more than 500 million people and in 175 countries.

The government and the EPA are still touting recycling and energy efficiency, and targeting pollution, but there is also a strong push for green jobs, retrofitting outdated fixtures and upgrading infrastructure under Obama’s ambition to create a clean energy economy that can serve as a pillar of our recovery.

Further Reading:

Obama’s Plan for a Green Economy

Earth Day Proclamtion

How You Can Help:
Pick 5 for the Environment

Sierra Club Tips
