[Dynamic Dads] CEO Krystal Conner: Business Lessons From My Father – Black Enterprise

[Dynamic Dads] CEO Krystal Conner: Business Lessons From My Father

Krystal Conner (far right) inherited ENVIROAgscience from her father and company Chairman Louis Lynn. Her sister Adrienne (2nd from left) is the company's vice president. (Image: File)


Krystal Conner (far right) inherited ENVIROAgscience from her father and company Chairman Louis Lynn. Her sister Adrienne (2nd from left) is the company's vice president. (Image: File)

Dr. Krystal Lynn Conner is the CEO of ENVIRO AgScience, Inc., a company that offers construction management and landscape design. She inherited the company from her father just a couple years ago. As the new face of the business, Conner has big plans for growth and development. But she never forgets that the business is grounded in family.

“My parents envision my kids and my siblings’ children one day running this company,” said Conner.  “It is an important part of their legacy and, therefore, it is important for me to keep it going and growing.”

Blackenterprise.com caught up with Dr. Conner to talk about this dynamic dad-daughter duo, the importance of a family-owned business, and five lessons her father passed down to her that make her a better business woman.

BlackEnterprise.com: How does it feel to be CEO of your father’s company, and how did you prepare for this transition?

Conner: I consider it an honor and a blessing to be the CEO of ENVIRO. It is an honor because my father has entrusted the future of the company, which he built from the ground up, to me.  I am able to grow this company to the next level alongside, not only my father but also my sister and brother. My preparation is continuous and ongoing. I have had the great privilege to work with my father for the past six years and learn from his teachings and experience. I have also enlisted an “A team” of mentors who are always available when I have questions or need advice.

How important is it for ENVIRO to remain a family-run business?

It is important that ENVIRO remain a family company because of our vision of what this company is and can be. Not many minority-owned companies can say they are second generation, and even fewer are third or more.

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