Dallas Couple Who Called 911 To Report Kidnapping Suspect Denied Crime Stoppers Reward

(Photo: Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

A Dallas couple who called 911 to report a kidnapping suspect is questioning why they weren’t eligible to receive the Crime Stoppers reward that was offered.

Briana and Kenyatta Jordan were returning home from lunch on July 7 when they recognized the face of Leonard Neal, 41, a wanted man accused of abducting a 9-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl, Fox 4 News reports

. With six children of their own, the Jordans moved into action to aid in Neal’s arrest.

While Neal returned the 9-year-old boy, he kept the 7-year-old girl for another 12 hours, with authorities saying she was sexually assaulted.

“That could have been our oldest two kids,” Briana said.

The couple saw Neal get on a bus and decided to follow it while on the phone with the police. Neal was taken into custody after cutting his throat.

Happy they were able to help in the most wanted fugitive being taken down, the Jordans inquired about the Crime Stoppers reward that was offered. However, they were told they were not eligible

since they called 911 and not the Crime Stoppers tip line.

“It feels like we were misled,” the couple said.

On the Dallas Police Department website, they urged anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers or 911. However, a Crime Stoppers board member says the rewards are only paid to people who call the tip line, based on Texas law.

“While DPD does not have input on the criteria that must be met for a Crime Stoppers reward when a unique set of circumstances arises, we certainly can open conversations that will help improve services, prevent crime or help to solve investigations in our city,” Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia said.

The Jordans are hoping the DPD can help them obtain the reward. They believe if they called the tip line instead of 911, the kidnapper would still be on the loose.

“They should be held to their word,” they said.

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