Commitment: Are You Doing What It Takes to Succeed in Your Career? – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Commitment: Are You Doing What It Takes to Succeed in Your Career?

(Image: Thinkstock)
Columnist Marshawn Evans makes commitment a business priority

In my firm, ME Unlimited LLC, commitment is vital to our agency’s success. We have worked hard for every client that we have. And I work extra hard as a woman business owner. I have to. So, I expect that same hunger, passion and enthusiasm from anyone looking to join our company. Commitment is the number one filter that I use in building my team and choosing business partners and strategic alliances.  The reason I value commitment so deeply is that it is one of those things that you cannot teach, but makes all of the difference in the world. Confidence can be developed. Communication can be worked on. But, a fundamental ethos, or as I like to say, a commitment to commitment, cannot be taught.

Through ME University®, I do a lot of seminars for executives in sales, financial services and competitive industries, along with those focused on small business owners. One focus is on how commitment serves as a value-enhancer in developing business, and how it can transform the culture of the work environment.  The reality of the marketplace is that you will hear the word “no” more times than you will hear the word “yes.” But, if you are committed and do the right things, then eventually you will get a “yes.”

At the end of the day, what counts is that people can count on you. As a professional, your ability to keep your commitments will either develop or dilute your brand.  It communicates whether others will be able to trust, rely upon and refer you.  In business, that is everything.  You need your boss, your clients, and your colleagues to think of you as a person committed to excellence.  The question is, do they?  Really take the time to assess what others (those who know you and have worked with you) would say about your performance and reputation.  Finally, what can you do starting today to make sure that your colleagues are apt to give you raving reviews?  I look forward to hearing from you.

Marshawn Evans is s president of ME Unlimited L.L.C. and a weekly career advice columnist for Connect with her online at Black Enterprise’s BE INSIDER, at, on Twitter at @marshawnevans and on Facebook at ME Unlimited by Marshawn Evans
