Black Enterprise and Walmart Focus on Jobs

Tomorrow, October 18, 2011, Black Enterprise heads to Los Angeles to team up with Walmart to host 20/20 Vision: Job Creation & Career Opportunities in The Next Economy. Join us as we explore how corporate professionals and entrepreneurs can identify opportunities in emerging sectors of the economy and reinvent themselves for employability, marketability and advancement. The event is the second of it’s kind for BE and Walmart, with the first 20/20 Vision Forum

taking place in New York City this summer.

You can follow and weigh in on the discussion and get bonus content on job creation and career development from Black Enterprise via the hashtag #BEJOBSFORUM

on Twitter @blackenterprise .

See video below of Black Enterprise CEO Earl “Butch” Graves discussing the importance of 20/20 Vision events, and giving tips on how African Americans can make themselves more marketable in the job market.

Video by Kahliah Laney and Janell P. Hazelwood

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