BE Modern Man: Meet App Developer Michael DeVore – Black Enterprise

BE Modern Man: Meet App Developer Michael DeVore

Name: Michael DeVore

Profession: CEO of the Live Chair Barbershop App

Age: 22

One Word That Describes You: Visionary

Inspired by tech giants, Steve Jobs and Marc Zuckerberg, Michael DeVore wants to become a leader in the tech industry. “As a kid, I was impressed with how they created their own technology businesses,” DeVore tells BE Modern man. However, finding young African American role models who achieved the same level of success as Jobs and Zuckerberg, proved to be challenging.

“I have never seen a young, black college student create a multi-million dollar business that has impacted the world like Facebook and Apple. I want to be the person to achieve this goal.” With limited resources, DeVore used the tools he had to make his vision come to life. He enlisted a team of people to help him lay the ground work. “Once I recruited a team of individuals with different talents, I was able to execute my vision and progress farther.”

Unafraid to fail, DeVore believes that each time you try something, you either win or learn. His willingness to try more has enabled him to lose less. “I can fail repeatedly at something, but get better at it over time.” He has gotten better, but he has also worked smarter. “I swallowed my pride and admitted to myself that I would need help in order for this app to be as successful as I know it can be,” says DeVore. “Collaboration can produce better results. Once you reach your final goal, you will be glad that you did.

Most recently DeVore won the 2015 International Ozy Genius Award for his upcoming Live Chair Barbershop App. DeVore was chosen as the winner out of a group of 10 people with innovative ideas from around the globe. Not only did he win, but Steve Jobs’ wife was one of the judges that chose his idea. “What makes this award so special is that I am the only person who won from a HBCU,” says DeVore. “Many people have preconceived notions about what a barbershop app is or does, but I have a vision to re-invent the barbershop app. I plan to make a positive impact on the lives of millions of African American families. His new technology will enhance the urban barbershop experience for barbers and their clients.

Read more on the chances  DeVore took which  lead him to early success…
