Jared Brown – Black Enterprise

Jared Brown

http://www.theblackupstart.com - 23 Posts - 0 Comments
Jared Brown currently manages a national initiative designed to advance the study and application of principled entrepreneurship, innovation and the economic way of thinking. The initiative is generously funded by a $25 million grant from Koch Industries and the Charles Koch Foundation and administered by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). Brown is also left-libertarian thinker with more than fifty publications appearing across platforms including Black Enterprise, Generation Progress, and Blavity. His areas of intellectual interest include: political economy, values and self-ownership, change and civil society, criminal justice reform, HIV/AIDs and LGBT inclusion. Previously, he graduated from the New Leaders Council (NLC) Institute, which trains emerging political leaders in the areas of fundraising, new media, communications and campaigns and served in various capacities at the U.S House of Representatives, the Obama White House, and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. He is currently pursuing a Masters of Professional Studies in Technology Entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland, College Park and earned a Bachelor of Arts with High Distinction in African American Studies from the University of Virginia.