5 Leadership Tips for Female CEOs – Black Enterprise

5 Leadership Tips for Female CEOs

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(Image: iStock.com/kali9)

Many female executives are breaking the glass ceiling and leading successful business all across the globe. It’s not an easy job, considering they have to compete with other companies, manage an entire staff, and deal with the added pressure of proving themselves as wise and experienced enough to fulfill a leadership role, especially when working in a male-dominated role.

Since it’s not uncommon for leaders to feel overwhelmed with daily tasks, problem solving, and overseeing large projects, there are five key tips every female executive should practice to help relieve some pressure and lead a prosperous and competitive business.

  1. Recognize Employees’ Emotions — Besides knowing their craft, the most effective leaders have also developed emotional intelligence skills. These abilities are especially helpful to work smarter and better with a wide variety of people. Leaders who can recognize and apply the power of employees’ emotions along with their own are able to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity.
  1. Take Risks — Being a female CEO is an impressive accomplishment, however, the true test comes when faced with risky business decisions and competing against other successful companies. Taking risks is necessary to see what you are truly capable of. Whether risky plans may or may not work, it’s necessary to plan for both scenarios to surpass goals and have a thriving business.
  1. Follow the Vision — Visionary leaders focus on the future and always think of creative ways to achieve their business goals. Female leaders must always think big and ensure they have the right team in place to bring the idea to fruition. Staying true to the vision while making important business decisions, like trying a new sales strategy or maintaining close customer relationships, is essential to building brand recognition and loyalty.
  1. Pause and Listen — Leadership communication not only involves talking to clients and employees, but also listening attentively. Although some female CEOs have the ability to multitask and juggle multiple things at once, it’s important to pause for a moment and actively listen to people when needed. Carefully listening, asking questions, and providing opinions can help leaders give thoughtful direction and teach employees how to manage similar situations.
  1. Be Bold — Voicing expert opinions and taking risks are essential and powerful skills for leaders to have. Whether it’s rejecting a weak campaign idea or questioning strategies, female CEOs must not be afraid to speak up and discuss their view points. Such actions can quickly earn trust and respect from employees and colleagues.

Being a female CEO is a powerful and rewarding position to be in. Some women already have the vision to succeed, or the help to fulfill their goals. It’s now a matter of applying smarter ways to exceed their own expectations.




About Stephanie Chung

Based in Dallas, Stephanie Chung and Associates offer sales coaching, sales training, and executive mentorship services nationwide that help you work smarter, not harder. As a former sales executive in the aviation and private jet industry, Stephanie has mastered the art of high ticket selling and has mentored, coached and developed some of the highest paid, most elite, sales professionals in the country. Serving business leaders, sales executives, and sales professionals, Business Coach Stephanie Chung uses her proven executive coaching and sales training expertise to get the job done. Chung is an executive coach, trainer and advisor backed by more than 25 years of team management, business development, and sales leadership experience. She counsels sales executives and business professionals in a diverse array of strategies and tactics. Chung is also a public speaker, contributor of The Change Book Series and author of “Profit Like a Girl: A Woman’s Guide to Kicking Butt in Sales and Leadership” and “Embrace the Suck: How to Grow and Succeed in Business”.
