5 Ways to Get Involved in National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week – Black Enterprise

5 Ways to Get Involved in National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week

Each year the National Coalition for the Homeless designates the week prior to Thanksgiving as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week. This holiday season, are you prepared to make a difference in someone else’s life as well as your own?

NationalHomeless.org  has compiled several ways you can get involved and make a difference in your very own community:

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  1. Organize a One Night Out Without a Home event and fundraiser in which residents spend a night outside to learn about homelessness.
  2. Host an educational forum on hunger and homelessness. Invite individuals who have experienced homelessness, and  service providers to share their experiences.
  3. Organize a Food Stamp Challenge. Invite community members and your local government officials  to eat on a food-stamp budget for a week or a day.
  4. Organize a Living in a Car event in which volunteers take shifts living in a car for twenty-four hours in a public area to simulate how some homeless live while raising awareness about the plight of the homeless.
  5. Organize a drive to collect non-perishable items, such as food, hygiene products, clothing, blankets, books, and toys. Challenging the community organizations  to compete for which group can collect the most donations.

Read More: NationalHomeless.org

