9 Business Competitions for Young Entrepreneurs – Black Enterprise

9 Business Competitions for Young Entrepreneurs

Teenpreneur Award Winner Jordan Culpepper, B.E. Publisher Earl Graves
Teenpreneur award Winner Jordan Culpepper, pictured with Black Enterprise publisher, Earl G. Graves Sr. (Image: File)

Black Enterprise knows the value in mentoring and recognizing youth with programs like the Teenpreneur Award at the yearly Entrepreneurs Summit. One powerful way to nurture youngsters who are interested in entrepreneurship is to encourage their entry into competitions. Check out this list of nine youth competitions in which young people can make a difference, show their business talent, and prepare to be ahead of the game in receiving financial rewards in 2015.

1. Green Idea Factory Competition. Partners with high schools to encourage teens to raise awareness about environmental issues.

2. The Conrad Foundation’s Spirit of Innovation Challenge. Uses math, science, and technology to encourage innovative product development to solve global problems.

3. The Hult Prize. Sponsored by the Clinton Global initiative, the Hult Prize is looking for social business ideas to win $1 million in seed money.

4. Rice Business Plan Competition: Gives collegiate entrepreneurs real-world experience to fine-tune their business plans and elevator pitches.

5. New York Young Entrepreneur Challenge: For entrepreneurs 17-22 who live or go to school in New York.

6. The Carnegie Mellon Venture Challenge: Open to all undergraduate students. Awards & Prizes: $12,000 worth of cash prizes and legal services

7. International Business Model Competition: Rewards students for breaking down and applying their ideas to key business model assumptions to win $100,000 in cash prizes.

8. MIT Clean Energy Prize: Offers more than $350,000 in cash and prizes.

9. Dell Social Innovation Challenge Year-round competition for those ages 16 and older who are college students or recent grads.

The 2015 Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference + Expo hosted by Nationwide, May 13-16, at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. Expect innovative sessions, high-powered speakers, and an early peek at the products, trends, and services you’ll need to stay ahead of the curve. Be sure to enter our Elevator Pitch Competition to qualify for the $10,000 grand prize. To register and find out more, visit archive2023.blackenterprise.com/ec/<http://archive2023.blackenterprise.com/ec/>
