Intern Like a CEO: 5 Tips for Maximizing Your Internship Experience – Black Enterprise

Intern Like a CEO: 5 Tips for Maximizing Your Internship Experience

When it comes to gaining valuable work experience to compete in today's job market, it is undeniable that internships are vital in building a quality resume. And making the most of each experience is key. "As a previous intern and internship supervisor, I’ve witnessed a plethora of students fail at optimizing their internship experiences," says Antoine D. Moss, Ph.D., educational consultant, NASA researcher and author of Learn to Intern CEO Style (Antoine Moss; $15). "The primary reason is because students didn’t know how to separate themselves from the pack."
  • Moss came up with the Creator of Excellent Opportunities (CEO) framework, detailed in his book, and offers these tips for students who want to find long-lasting success in achieving not only current career goals, but making impressions that will have a lasting, positive impact:

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