Power Moves: 7 Ways You Can Profit From Our Entrepreneurs Conference – Black Enterprise

Power Moves: 7 Ways You Can Profit From Our Entrepreneurs Conference

From newly-minted and established business owners to White House policymakers, attendees of our Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference + Expo are fired up.

During my segment on Warren Ballentine’s nationally-syndicated talk show yesterday I talked about the steady stream of emails, tweets and calls I received describing our event’s game-changing potential. In fact, our conference brought more than 1,200 African American entrepreneurs to Atlanta last week for three days of instruction from brilliant strategic minds, inspiration from top business leaders and induction of new contacts into business networks. It was the only place on the planet you could have found MC Hammer, Angela and Vanessa Simmons, Carol Daughter‘s CEO Lisa Price, Professor Charles Ogletree, former Deputy Commerce Secretary Dennis Hightower, master dealmaker Magnus Greaves, investment powerhouse Eddie Brown, Deputy SBA Administrator Marie Johns and Publisher Earl G. Graves, Sr., to name a few, offering business counsel and camaraderie to attendees ranging from teenpreneurs to BE 100s CEOs.

For me, this gathering represents one of the high spots of my year. As Editor-In-Chief, it’s a gratifying and validating opportunity to meet scores of entrepreneurs who share stories of their trials and triumphs, many of whom thank BLACK ENTERPRISE for serving as their coach and champion. I’m always equally humbled and awed by how so many have built thriving enterprises with creativity and sheer will as their major resources.

As I shared with Warren, our conference offers education and renewal to our staff as much as it does our audience. This year’s theme was aptly-framed “Rethink Business,” which introduced new trends and innovative approaches for the 21st Century economy. Those who attended discovered some valuable lessons. Those who were unable to come to Atlanta can discover what they missed through videos here on BlackEnterprise.com this week. In any event, the following seven tenets I uncovered can place your business on the path to growth and prosperity. 
