8 Motivating Wellness Quotes for You by BIPOC Woman Entrepreneurs – Black Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Health and Wellness Lifestyle Women

8 Motivating Wellness Quotes for You by BIPOC Woman Entrepreneurs

(Image: iStock/LeoPatrizi)

July is a call to action month. For 31 days, the National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month aims to bring awareness to a variety of mental health struggles that Black, Indigenous, and people of color face.

Black women entrepreneurs, for example, are among those who are just as worthy of being seen, heard, and supported.

As business owners, Black women may find it challenging to manage and strengthen their mental health amidst high-stress times and long work hours, as well as navigating relationships with business partners, board members, investors, community members, and others.

Here are eight quotes to remind you that you are supported and are not alone.

– “You don’t have to be healing everyday. You don’t have to checking off goals everyday on a to do list. You don’t have to be hustling and ‘building’ everyday. You don’t have to push everyday. You have the right to just be. You were born to experience leisure, joy, and rest.”

Tricia Hersey, founder of The Nap Ministry.

– “Self avoidance is futile. Believe in your unique gifts and how they will impact the world. Tune inward and do your own self inquiry. Be your own student.”

Latham Thomas, doula and founder of Mama Glow.

– “You don’t need a reason, you can just be tired because you’re tired. #NoJustificationRequired Capitalism and other societal structures condition us to think otherwise. But rest is revolutionary.”​

The Loveland Foundation.

– “Isolation is a challenge that often comes up for small business owners. There may not be many others in your circle who understand the pressures and demands required from your position. This is why finding community with other small business owners is critical.”

Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, host and founder of Therapy for Black Girls.

– “Setting boundaries and stillness are two ways I’m working on taking better care of myself at the minute. Establishing limits provides you with the stillness in your life to be able to sit with yourself.”

Maryam Ajayi, founder of Divine in Well.

– “You need so much more than mental health or ‘well-being’ in this era of discrimination, invisibility, and psychological warfare. You need an impermeable web of protection for your mind.”

Rheeda Walker, psychologist and author of The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System, Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness, and Get the Help you Deserve.

– “Being able to be honest about my challenges inspires people not just to be honest about theirs but to know it’s okay to not be superwoman.”

Christina Rice, founder of OMNoire.

– “Love yourself through it. Realize that you’re doing the best you can right now. Be open to improvising here and there, as necessary. Release any unhealthy relationship with being in total control. We’re being reminded that at the end of the day, we’re not in control.”

Lalah Delia, author and founder of Vibrate Higher Daily.
