’12 Years a Slave’ Doubles Box Office Sales After Oscar Win – Black Enterprise

’12 Years a Slave’ Doubles Box Office Sales After Oscar Win

From MadameNoire

Oscar award night was a good one for 12 Years a Slave, and the week after hasn’t been too shabby either. According to box office tabulations (and Entertainment Weekly), the historical drama and Best Picture winner expanded to double the number of theaters, and ticket sales went up 116 percent.

The film has already been in theaters for 21 weeks, putting it well past its prime. It’s also available on demand, meaning people could also stay home and watch it on their televisions. But it brought in $2.1 million, pushing its total sales up to $53 million for its run. The other nominees — Gravity and Dallas Buyers Club among them – also saw an increase in ticket sales, but the bump was much smaller.

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