Hack Lets Facebook Pages Become Small Business Websites – Black Enterprise

Hack Lets Facebook Pages Become Small Business Websites

Facebook News Feed
(Image: smallbusiness.foxbusiness.com)

Earlier this year, Facebook made a case to media organizations to host their content on the social media site rather than requiring users to go to an outside link to read shared stories.

Now, a new hack may allow small business owners to use their Facebook profile as their homepage on the World Wide Web.

According to TechCrunch, Pager–a hack that was produced and introduced during the Disrupt NY 2015 event being held in New York City–could make it easier for those more familiar with the functions of Facebook than, say, WordPress, to maintain sites for their small businesses.

“The team has already worked for restaurant owners, doing freelance work and teaching them how to update their WordPress websites–in many ways, it’s too complicated and cumbersome for these busy people,” TechCrunch writes. “And yet, I’m sure your favorite bar has a successful Facebook page, and its staff is posting pictures, events and wall posts all the time.”

A good point and, according to the website, the set-up process is easy, and users are able to manage About, News, Events and Galleries sections. About should focus on contact details and hours of operation, while News displays wall posts, Events is designed for promotions and forthcoming activities, and Galleries highlight pictures taken at the establishment or show the business in action.

There are still a few glitches, according to TechCrunch, but the makers of the hack could possibly continue to work on implementing fixes that could make it more user-friendly.

There’s no word of when or if the app will be officially integrated into Facebook (this hack was created using the open Facebook application programming interface, or API), but those looking to get into the game early can learn more about and download Pager here.

As the importance of social media in marketing becomes more clear, and as Facebook finds use as an email service, it seems inevitable that the site has the potential to be much more for its 1.4 billion users than just serving as a work-time distraction.
