Fitness Trainer and Entrepreneur Creates New Dance Class ‘Kerboomka’ – Black Enterprise

Fitness Trainer and Entrepreneur Creates New Dance Class ‘Kerboomka’

(Image: Facebook)

The savviest of entrepreneurs are able to reinvent the wheel by creatively improving an existing  product. Kershel Anthony is a fitness trainer who’s been able to do just that. He’s the creator of the hip-hop inspired workout class, Kerboomka. At first glance, Anthony’s creation might seem similar to the popular, upbeat, Zumba classes, but he says his choreography-driven course is much different because it focuses on a total-body workout.

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In addition to hosting fitness classes four times a week, Anthony has planned a six-month tour across the U.S to certify Kerboomka instructors in Miami, New Jersey, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles. Anthony is also a single father and motivational speaker, in addition to entrepreneur and fitness instructor. His speeches are geared towards inspiring women, young people, and adults to get fit and reach their highest potential. caught up with Kershel Anthony to discuss the benefits of his high-intensity workout class, why he became a choreographer, and what a Kerboomka class entails.

BlackEnterprise: Kershel Anthony, tell me a little about yourself and what exactly is Kerboomka?

Anthony: I’m a crazy, high-energized, not the “norm,” motivational speaker, dance-fitness, health coach. I’m a single father with a passion to inspire and help others. I’ve been a dance choreographer since before I could spell ‘choreographer’. I have been teaching kids and adults how to dance since I was a kid. I knew this was always something I wanted to pursue.

Kerboomka is a high-energy, hip-hop inspired dance-fitness program for people of all ages and skill levels. The moves are easy for anyone to learn, and we target all muscles; especially the core. You learn the routine and dance to the hottest music of today, and some ‘old-school’ music as well. You leave the class feeling accomplished and inspired, with a refreshing routine that you can rock out to in any club or intimate social-gathering.

How long have you been doing Kerboomka? How did you get started?

I’ve been doing Kerboomka since before ‘Kerboomka’ was even created. Being an entrepreneur and dance teacher, I was looking for new ways to help everyday people with their hectic lifestyle. As I got older I became more health-conscious. I started working out and getting into the gym, where I gravitated towards fitness classes. So I offered my services to one of the gyms I worked at, and from there these classes grew. One of the gym owners told me what I was doing was original and that I should try to make a program out of it. Then, this light bulb went off and I said, ‘yeah, let me try this’.

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