Why Doesn’t Skin Bleaching go Away? – Black Enterprise

Why Doesn’t Skin Bleaching go Away?

Skin bleaching is on the rise, not only in the America’s but in several African countries as well, even though it can have devastating effects on one’s health, according to a new report by Clutch Magazine.

A new study conducted by the University of Cape Town found that over a third of women (35%) in South Africa bleach their skin  because they want “white skin.”

Nigerians are the biggest users of bleaching agents, with 77% of Nigerian women using them on a regular basis. And according to the BBC, 59% of women in Togo and 25% of women in Mali bleach their skin, but not without a cost. Skin bleaching creams can cause blood and skin cancers and dermatologists across the continent are seeing increased numbers of burns, skin damage, and ochronosis, which can cause the skin to turn a dark purplish color.

Read the entire story and watch a video at Clutch Magazine.
