People of Color Feel ‘Increasingly Uncomfortable’ at Work – Black Enterprise

People of Color Feel ‘Increasingly Uncomfortable’ at Work

workplace diversity

From Bloomberg

According to a new research report from the Center for Talent Innovation, a whopping 45% of Asians and more than 35% of African-Americans and Latinos say they can’t be themselves at work. They say the have to stay “in character.”

Additionally, forty percent of African-Americans and a third of people of color overall feel like outsiders in the corporations they work for, compared with 26% of Caucasians who don’t feel they fit in. The report goes on to say that “more than a decade into the twenty-first century, talent of color are not breaking into the top executive ranks in numbers proportionate to their achievements and demographic mass.”

Interestingly, the report suggests that corporations should have high ranking executives “sponsor” people of color to work for their organization, acting as mentors and advocates who “have his or her back” in the workplace. They think that sort of arrangement would make people of color feel more comfortable being themselves and flourishing at work.

Read more at Bloomberg.
