Reports: NFL Player Ray Rice Contract Terminated – Black Enterprise

Reports: NFL Player Ray Rice Contract Terminated

Ray Rice (Image: File)

The new week has already started with a whole host of drama, as an Atlanta Hawks CEO let his racist tendencies show and TMZ released surveillance footage showing Ray Rice knocking his fiancée out cold.

Rice, 27, was discovered to have assaulted Janay Palmer in an Atlantic City elevator earlier this year. His actions were investigated by the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell, who suspended the Rutgers University graduate two games. The suspension was quickly blasted by sports critics and proponents against domestic violence.

The team reported today via social media that it has officially terminated Rice’s contract.

TMZ’s clip, which appeared on the Website today, prominently features Ray Rice and Janay Palmer in a heated exchange before the former hits the latter twice in the jaw. The emergence of this new, horrifically graphic video featuring the woman who is now his wife, has raised some important questions about Commissioner Goodell’s policy against domestic violence committed by NFL players. Why was Rice suspended for only two games if it has been proven that the NFL has already seen the video that the public is currently being outraged about?

Even if the NFL didn’t see the video (which you can watch on the next page), as they recently said, many question why the organization did not take the information to league officials.  As women’s advocates, NFL players, celebrities, and sport analysts all chime in with their opinion and protest, Twitter has blasted all parties involved including Ray Rice and his assaulting ways.

With that all out in the Twittersphere, we’ve taken the most explosive reactions to Ray Rice knocking out his wife for your perusal:
