10 Video Game Podcasts You Should Know About – Black Enterprise
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10 Video Game Podcasts You Should Know About

(Image: Thinkstock)
(Image: Thinkstock)

If this year’s E3 was any indication on where the video game industry is heading, then you can guarantee that another boom is arriving.

As gamers of all colors and creeds are celebrating next-gen graphics and games, the subset within the community, podcasting, is experiencing a rise in popularity.

For those who don’t know what a podcast is, it is a digital broadcast that consists of an episodic series of audio pegged to a certain topic. In the case of gamers who love to experience everything digital, these podcasts are a means to dig deeper into an upcoming game’s release, discuss a controversial event, or interview popular subjects within the genre.

All in all, a video game podcast is meant to attract listeners who love “Pac-Man” as much as they love “Call Of Duty.” With the industry now a billion-dollar business, there is a strong focus on the medium, but not enough recognition is being doled out for these purveyors of pixelated perfection.

That’s why we’re here to present for your perusal 10 video game podcasts that you should know about.
