Golf & Tennis Challenge: Who Knew? A Look at 5 Black Competitive Fencers – Black Enterprise

Golf & Tennis Challenge: Who Knew? A Look at 5 Black Competitive Fencers

When many people think of fencing, or simply fencers, they perhaps imagine highly skilled, masked white men poking at each other with pointy sticks while buzzers blare in the background. What these people may not know is that behind a few of these masks lie ambitious black faces competing for gold medals among some of the world’s greatest fencing athletes.

Here’s where steps in. While conducting a little research in preparation for the 2015 Black Enterprise Golf & Tennis Challenge, stumbled upon a few gems in the fencing industry that may inspire you to take advantage of fencing as it makes its debut at this year’s Challenge, Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 3—6 at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Register now.

For registration, information, and updates on the BE Golf &Tennis Challenge, September 3—6, at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, visit When registering for BEGT, use discount code LABORDAY for a special discounted rate. For social media updates, follow hashtag #BEGT.

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