10 Career Resources for Women in STEM – Black Enterprise

10 Career Resources for Women in STEM

black scientist examins flask
(Image: File)
black scientist examins flask
(Image: File)

While the debate continues about how to bridge the gender gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), more organizations are cropping up across the US to help increase the number of women involved in the field. Business News daily compiled a list of 10 great career resources to help both aspiring STEM professionals and professionals currently working within the field, build their skill set and connect with other like-minded women in STEM.

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Association for Women in Science (AWIS) – Offers a variety of resources and programs for women interested in technology and science. On a mission to advance policies, research, media and leadership development in STEM, the 20,000-plus members of AWIS provides access to networking and skill-building opportunities. Visit awis.org to learn more.

Nerd Girls — A global movement dedicated to celebrating “nerd girls” everywhere. Membership-based Nerd Girls encourages women to get involved in science and tech projects that make a real impact on their community. Nerd Girls provide educational outreach to girls and young women all around the world with activities such as mentorship, networking, and technology competitions. Visit nerdgirls.com to learn more.

Made with Code – A Google-sponsored initiative to empower women to learn and use computer-science skills. According to the website, Google launched Made with Code because technology continues to power more and more aspects of daily life, but “women aren’t represented in the companies, labs, research, creative arts, design, organizations and boardrooms that make technology happen.” The website offers coding projects and opportunities for beginners and experienced coders. Visit madewithcode.com to learn more.

Million Women Mentors (MWM)– To help provide more than 30 million girls and women with the confidence they need to pursue a STEM career, MWM leverages nearly 60 partners, 30 sponsors and 30 state leadership teams who can pledge their time and mentor young women. Girls and women can connect through a variety of mentorship pathways and MWM mentors are encouraged to dedicate 20 hours to their mentee(s) over the course of a year. Visit millionwomenmentors.org to learn more.

The White House Council on Women and Girls — Is the U.S. government’s official nationwide effort to advance opportunities and representation for American women. The Women in STEM initiative is one of the programs sponsored by the council and is run by the Office of Science and Technology Policy. To encourage the participation of women and girls – as well as other underrepresented groups – in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, the office provides resources and hosts a series of events.
Visit whitehouse.gov/women to learn more.

Read more at Business News Daily.
