Women of Power: 10 Black Industry Leaders in Television and Film – Black Enterprise
Career Women

Women of Power: 10 Black Industry Leaders in Television and Film

Image: File
Image: File

With the emergence of more black actresses in starring roles on major network shows, and with more and more films starring black actors and actresses topping box-office charts, it looks as though black Hollywood is finally shining and getting the recognition it always deserved.

But before we continue with our applause of the faces that appear in front of the camera, it’s time we take a step back and honor those who play an important role behind the scenes in pushing black talent to the forefront of media.

As Black Enterprise’s 10th Annual Women of Power Summit approaches, we figured we’d do the honors in highlighting the black women who are making bold career moves in the realm of film and television. From writers to directors and producers, see who made our list of the leading power players behind the big and small screen.

CELEBRATING 10 YEARS! Join us for the landmark 10th Annual Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit hosted by State Farm, March 2—4, 2015, at Fort Lauderdale Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Fort Lauderdale, FL. This exciting, one-of-a-kind executive leadership summit is designed to train, equip and encourage women to become industry leaders, learn career strategies, and discover proven work—life balance techniques. Register Now! http://archive2023.blackenterprise.com/wps
