Career Choice: 5 Steps to Monetizing Your Passion – Black Enterprise

Career Choice: 5 Steps to Monetizing Your Passion

woman sitting on steps with coffee cup
(Image: Thinkstock)

There’s always talk about your career, fulfillment, happiness—and making a living from following your passion. The most successful people have said that only after doing what they truly love for a living did they see dynamic results that changed their lives.

With more workers looking for life fulfillment versus striving just for a paycheck, it’s important to know that purpose and passion can often equal profits, and that the myth that you have to remain at a job you hate just to pay the bills is a dangerous one.

But how do you monetize your passion? One writer offers five things to consider when trying work toward finding a way to do just that:

1. You can create a passion.

2. Stop thinking.
3. Following your passion might ruin it.

4. Passion is a lifestyle issue.

5. Your passions (can) change.
