[WATCH] 3 Healthy Ways To Manage Working With Jerks – Black Enterprise

[WATCH] 3 Healthy Ways To Manage Working With Jerks

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Working with positive people can inspire you, and contribute to the overall health of the work environment. Conversely, negative co-workers create a negative work environment, which can be draining.

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Recent research conducted by Michigan Ross professor, Gretchen Spreitzer, suggests that mean-spirited personalities in the workplace not only make employees feel bad, they lower the job performance of those who interact with them.

“We were able to shed some light on the question of whether de-energizing relationships are just a hassle, or if they have deeper consequences,” said Spreitzer, professor and co-author of the research paper.

“Destructive De-energizing Relationships: How Thriving Buffers their Effect on Performance,” in a statement. “Before, we’ve shown how enabling thriving at work and energizing relationships lead to better performance and business outcomes, and this looks at the opposite angle.”

In a YouTube video titled, “How to Deal With Jerks at Work,” featured on the University of Michigan, business school channel, Spreitzer reveals three tips that employees can use to avoid the affects of negative co-workers. She suggests limited interaction with such individuals. She emphasizes the importance of finding positive people, as well as the significance of meaningful work.

To learn more about how you can manage your involvement with negative coworkers, watch the video below:
