20 Young African Power Women of 2014 – Black Enterprise

20 Young African Power Women of 2014

She Leads Africa founders Yasmin Belo-Osagie and Afua Osei (Image: Facebook)
Image: Facebook

In an episode of Next Chapter, Queen of Talk Oprah Winfrey said to Beyoncé, “You make me proud to spell my name W-O-M-A-N.” Those words, originally spoken by Maya Angelou, will reignite a flame in your heart after reading “The 20 Youngest African Power Women of 2014” list. Forbes contributor Mfonobong Nsehe revealed the fourth annual list of politicians, entrepreneurs, media influencers and more who are making impressive strides in Africa and throughout the world. There’s so much to praise in each of these women: hard work, resiliency against all odds, selflessness and sacrifice, and so much more. Take a look at these standouts and get inspired.
