Young People Prepare for National ACT-SO Competition – Black Enterprise

Young People Prepare for National ACT-SO Competition

(Image: File)
(Image: File)

The 37th annual Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) competition is scheduled to begin July 9 in Philadelphia during the 106th NAACP Annual Convention. The four-day competition starts with an opening ceremony featuring a keynote address by actress Edwina Findley-Dickerson.

Students are expected to compete in five categories: business, humanities, visual arts, performing arts, culinary arts, and STEM. Renowned chefs G. Garvin, Aaron Perez, and Arnym Solomon are slated to judge the culinary competition. Competing students will not only cook but also sing, dance, recite poetry, and conduct science experiments, depending on their category of competition.

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The annual NAACP-sponsored competition attracts hundreds of the nation’s most gifted young people. ACT-SO award winners can win up to $2,000 in scholarship money. More than 300,000 young people have participated in the program since its inception.

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