Young Entrepreneurs Behind African Lookbook Connect Artists With Consumers Online – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

Young Entrepreneurs Behind African Lookbook Connect Artists With Consumers Online

Model poses for online shop African Lookbook (Image: African Lookbook)

(Image: African Lookbook)

A Premium on Passion

To expand their reach, both partners work with a network of curators and buyers who mirror their own passion for the continent’s artistry. “They are really just doing what they enjoy,” says Kohn. “I think everyone should do something they care about.” The entrepreneurs have made a deliberate effort to connect with African artists who take the extra step, and do their best to completely manufacture goods within the continent. Gareth Cowden, founder of Johannesburg-based label Babatunde, says that partnering with the site earlier this year has given his business a clear advantage. “Shipping to the States can be expensive so it often puts our potential clients from America off… it’s wonderful to be able to refer them to African Lookbook for stock, which eliminates the hefty shipping fees.”

Start Small, Then Expand

Both Kohn and Sandick have traveled extensively throughout the continent. Despite their collective experiences of living and working in various countries, the two friends have pumped the breaks and made sure the business doesn’t expand too quickly. Sandick believes that taking action on an idea should only happen after thorough research.

“Be prepared to pivot wherever the idea goes because there are so many ways to do things,” says the law student. “Who’s to say what’s going to be successful?”

The African Lookbook features select items from various regions but, for now, the shop mainly carries goods from countries in Southern Africa. In the next several months, both founders are setting their sights on East Africa.

Treat the Customer Like an Insider

The exclusive interviews with artists and entrepreneurs on African Lookbook gives customers the inside scoop on the design industry in Africa.

“What we are fighting against [is] ignorant African consumerism, dare I even call it ‘otherization,’ where you are like ‘oh, this thing is so cool because it’s from Africa.’ That is so shallow.  The thing is cool because it was designed really well… it wasn’t some random European who brought stuff over… it was someone already there, who had really great ideas,” insists Sandick.

Choosing to incorporate an editorial component has enhanced the site’s purchasing experience, giving consumers a chance to connect with items beyond price points and stock photos. From Spoek Mathambo, a young South African rapper, to Senegalese furniture designer Ousmane M’Baye, each narrative acts to showcase great products and gives artists a chance to discuss their creative process without being misinterpreted.

