Young Entrepreneur Turns Class Project into Successful Kids Transportation Company

(Image: Aireal Taylor)

Every day millions of parents struggle with transporting their children to and from school, extracurricular activities, and events. Whether it’s because they don’t have the time or could use a helping hand, managing a child’s daily schedule, as well as their own, can feel like a stressful part-time job. Enter KidzCab, a transportation service for children ages 4-16, providing a sigh of relief for many parents in the Michigan, area.

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“The idea for my company stemmed from a marketing assignment I had in school, where I had to come up with a product or service and write a paper on it. Once I started researching it, I thought maybe I could really create this,” said Aireal Taylor, the founder of KidzCab.

Fresh off the heels of resigning from her steady job in administration and accounting, Taylor is solely focused on running KidzCab full-time. She has 3 KidzCab vehicles. She’s booked for the mornings and afternoons for the entire school year, and she expects to average about 6 trips per day, per vehicle.

BlackEnterprise.com caught up with the ambitious leader to learn more about her entrepreneurial journey.

BlackEnterprise.com: What makes your business different than other child transportation-related businesses?

Taylor: We use a fleet technology system that tracks our vehicles in real-time and provides destination alerts to parents. We also provide booster seats for children; one less thing parents have to worry about.

Describe the long-term vision or goals that you have for your business?

I’d like to see Kidz Cab’s outside of almost every school in Michigan. I’d also like to begin offering franchise options in other states.

What have you been most surprised to learn about yourself?

I’ve learned that I can really make things happen when I need to. If one way doesn’t work out, I figure out something else to make it work.

What do you believe is your greatest achievement personally and/or professionally?

My greatest achievement personally is following my dance dream and becoming an NBA dancer. My greatest achievement professionally would definitely be becoming an entrepreneur, [which is] difficult and scary.

What do you wish you had known then, that you know now?

I wish I knew that things are harder than they look or seem! Ha!

What, in your opinion, is a huge myth about entrepreneurship?

I think most times people believe that entrepreneurship is singular, as in only you, but you really need a good support system around you, in my opinion, to thrive. I’ve had very good resources that helped me tremendously. I did a lot by myself but not nearly all of it.

What resources do you use daily to help manage your business?

Michigan SBA, Entrepreneur Magazine App, my mother and my husband.

What qualities have helped you succeed thus far?

My dedication is the main quality that’s helped me succeed. Starting a business is extremely difficult and I truly wanted to quit many times, but my dedication to this dream helped me push through.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to a young woman who wants to be the next successful entrepreneur?

Plan, plan, and plan some more. Completing a business plan took my business idea to a completely different level. Business plans force you to think about the ‘not so fun stuff’ that could really affect your business if not thought through properly.

Since launching your business, what has been your biggest challenge?

I think not giving up after hearing many ‘no’s.’ But I knew I had a good idea that I could execute with time and I didn’t let anyone change my mind about that.

Follow KidzCab on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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