Workplace Wallflower: 5 Career Success Tips for Introverts – Black Enterprise

Workplace Wallflower: 5 Career Success Tips for Introverts

(Image: Thinkstock)
(Image: Thinkstock)

Sometimes being shy and timid can serve as a handicap when it comes to success in the workplace. Being the wallflower can mean being overlooked for projects, promotions and advancement. Being an aggressive and passionate communicator has its perks, and many introverts simply feel they don’t have the confidence or the personality to really get in the game with the movers and shakers of their industries.

Writer Elaine Knowles details mistakes many introverts make while networking and gives insight on how to change habits that could make or break a professional’s success.

Look people in the eye: This is an important point often overlooked by introverts. I’ve been at meetings where experienced managers look at the floor. I understand it’s hard to be something you’re not, but start with small exercises, whether networking or in meetings.

Look people in the eye and give a welcoming smile when you walk into the room. When starting a conversation in a networking situation, put out your hand confidently, introduce yourself with your name and workplace, and do your best to make eye contact.

Communicate with clarity and warmth: So you’re really enthusiastic about making a connection with a particular person? If that’s the case, help them feel that enthusiasm.

The more you communicate with clarity and have warmth in your tone, the more your genuine interest will come across. You want them as a contact, right? They’re not psychic. Let them know and make an impact during your first meeting, because you might not get another chance.

Read more at Brazen Careerist …
